
The life-and-times story of tea in a teacup continues.

So Valve announced that they are seriously looking into making hardware.  It's not exactly clear what kind, but it's most likely some kind of PC-gaming-related setup.  This is the result of Microsoft trying to lock down the Windows PC, and big players like Valve getting worried about the ramifications of this.

Microsoft in Windows 8 is doing its best to make people not want to use the legacy Explorer environment and force users into their new Metro/Windows/modern/whatever environment.  The potential problem here is that the new start screen interface is indicated to be about as locked down as iOS or the XBox at the moment.  So there is one store to rule them all: the Microsoft Store.  It's unlikely that Steam and similar stores will be available through this store and things will be hunky-dory.  Steam will most likely be relegated to the legacy Explorer platform that Microsoft will be trying to kill off.

In response, Valve has been very interested in Linux and is getting into the hardware market.  I can't really say if this is a good thing, but it's definitely crazy.  But what I am sure of is that a lot of people would rather get Half Life 2: Episode Three than a Steam Linux console for use on their couch that plays Counter-Strike: GO with a controller.

- Gideon done

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