

When film time hits, people don't really go to bed.  They take naps throughout the "day" hoping for the smallest amount of sleep necessary to get up and work for another 12 hours.  However sometimes, the body says no when the alarm clock goes off, the mind agrees, and someone else thinks you look too cute sleeping to be awoken.

The possibly maybe most amazing thing ever was announced at the Gamescom event.  It's called the Strike 7.  Last night I had a dream about the Strike 7 and the Das Keyboard.  In the dream I was told to decide between these two dream keyboards.  I woke up in a cold sweat over my inability to decide.  I have a problem—my love for weird and wacky keyboards has already cost me hundreds of dollars, and if I had the money, would have cost thousands.  That Steampunk keyboard looks so amazing.  Megan just supposes it's like how girls like shoes or something.  In a weird way that makes it okay, though, 'cause women's shoe stores are okay and I would totally go for a mall keyboard store.

- Gideon done

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