
All The Summer Excitement

As people who mostly sit in front of computer screens and draw or play Frozen Synapse, I think my and Megan's idea of exciting events can be a bit... different.  Although it has been insanely hot as of late, and when we did go for a walk to the supermarket, I nearly died.  Summer heat is my kryptonite.

There is an amazing show called Cromartie High.  It's the most fun anime I've seen in a long time.  It's a show about the days and life of high-school badasses who are so badass that Freddie Mercury is one their students, as well as a robot, a gorilla and an alien.  The only not-badass is the main character.  Sometimes he enjoys a nice birthday party at a friend's house.  Other times, an episode deals with the serious problem of motion sickness.  It's a wonderful show about friends and kinship.

- Gideon Done


  1. For some reason, I heard that last line in Hank Hill's voice.

    It was glorious.
