

Megan and I have super kool friends; they will also appear in comics sometimes.  Oh, here they are!

Saturday at comic con was great.  We went to a few panels as a way to keep our seats for upcoming panels, and were ready for the worst, but the panels were surprisingly good.

The Penny Arcade panel was the highlight of the trip for me.  Seeing Mike and Jerry in action was awesome.  Again I had a chance to stop and say something to Mike and I was so befuddled that I had no idea what to do but walk away, very fast, with my head down.

Megan wanted to see a panel about Canadian comic artists.  I wasn't so psyched for it but it was really interesting.  Kate Beaton was there, and what I learned was that Kate Beaton, by herself, draws a bigger crowd than Kate Beaton with other Canadians.  Also that Canada is America's hat.  Never heard that before.

Of the accidental panels we were introduced to, a fun-looking indie movie called Save the Date, a movie that apparently doesn't have any trailers anywhere.  The other was about an author named Gail Carriger.  She writes a steampunk fantasy book series that has a lot of parasols, apparently.  I've put the first book next on my reading list after I finish The Stars, like Dust.

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