
All The Summer Excitement

As people who mostly sit in front of computer screens and draw or play Frozen Synapse, I think my and Megan's idea of exciting events can be a bit... different.  Although it has been insanely hot as of late, and when we did go for a walk to the supermarket, I nearly died.  Summer heat is my kryptonite.

There is an amazing show called Cromartie High.  It's the most fun anime I've seen in a long time.  It's a show about the days and life of high-school badasses who are so badass that Freddie Mercury is one their students, as well as a robot, a gorilla and an alien.  The only not-badass is the main character.  Sometimes he enjoys a nice birthday party at a friend's house.  Other times, an episode deals with the serious problem of motion sickness.  It's a wonderful show about friends and kinship.

- Gideon Done



When film time hits, people don't really go to bed.  They take naps throughout the "day" hoping for the smallest amount of sleep necessary to get up and work for another 12 hours.  However sometimes, the body says no when the alarm clock goes off, the mind agrees, and someone else thinks you look too cute sleeping to be awoken.

The possibly maybe most amazing thing ever was announced at the Gamescom event.  It's called the Strike 7.  Last night I had a dream about the Strike 7 and the Das Keyboard.  In the dream I was told to decide between these two dream keyboards.  I woke up in a cold sweat over my inability to decide.  I have a problem—my love for weird and wacky keyboards has already cost me hundreds of dollars, and if I had the money, would have cost thousands.  That Steampunk keyboard looks so amazing.  Megan just supposes it's like how girls like shoes or something.  In a weird way that makes it okay, though, 'cause women's shoe stores are okay and I would totally go for a mall keyboard store.

- Gideon done


Derp Hug

We're trying something a bit different.  This week's comic is part of our "This Stupid Couple" series.  Basically, it's our chance to make fun of how Megan and I act together.  We're also doing these while we set up for the comic series idea that started TaffyGunn.  It's exciting, but Megan and I are taking our time studying to make it as awesome as it can possibly be.

Lately, a good friend of mine and I have gotten bit by the Day Z bug.  It's the best zombie game I have ever played by far.  It's really about survival and the zombies are the active thing that doesn't want you as the player to survive.  So if they hit you, you bleed; if you don't bandage yourself you might bleed to death.  If you run too much, you get hungry and thirsty; if you don't eat and drink, you die of slow blood loss.  The closer you get to death, the harder it is to see. If you die you're dead, no respawn with minor exp. loss, armor damage and money loss, no, you're dead.  As in start over.  This might sound pretty horrible, but it really makes dying scary, as you can imagine, and thus the survival part completely worth-while.

It's really is the best co-op experience I've had since running around in Halo 1 punching Grunts in the back of their heads with my friend Randy about 10 years ago.  But this game... this game is something else.  Crawling through Electro while talking to my friend on Skype about where to meet up and hearing him go from telling me how things are good to the next second about how he's got a broken leg, losing blood, hiding on top of a roof with a tonne of zombies waiting to eat his body and a human sniper taking pot shots is really a whole new kind of experience in zombie survival.

If you have the time and money to buy Arma 2: Combined Operations, I would recommend this game more than any game since Halo 1 on the Xbox.

- Gideon done



This is a completely true story.  I am amusingly bad at parallel parking, or at least I laugh when police cite me for bad parking.

As I watch Apple today, I don't know if I feel a bit like I've started to see under the wool or if over the years I merely had pulled a wool over my own eyes.  They're fighting and suing every company.  Companies that I don't have any particular love for, but it's much like watching the 13-year-old who's the smartest, best-looking and richest around, walking into a 3rd-grade class and laying the beat down because someone was seen wearing similar clothes.

Apple has been a great company that has made amazing hardware and software over the years.  But I use an Xperia Play, not an iPhone, because I like the unique hardware advantage of a d-pad in games.  I have a PC desktop instead of a Mac desktop now because I built it for 1k$ 4 years ago and it's still able to run anything I want it to well, and it will run Windows 8–if I wish–like a beast; I can even buy a touch screen that will work with that new start menu.  My Macbook Pro that I received more recently runs like poop with new versions of OS X, and I know it'll run better with a stripped-down install of Windows.

I really wish Apple would come out with some product that I feel like I can love again.  Like my quirky old blueberry iMac.  And then support it up the wazoo with new and amazing ideas like OS X was back in the 10.1 to 10.5 days.

We're very sorry this comic is late and will do our best to make sure it doesn't happen again.